Alright, nobody's probably using blogs these days, but meh, i'm just gonna use it as an online diary. Through all these, it's probably to know myself better. Why? You would probably ask. Well, many people come to know me as this happy go lucky guy who is absolutely stress-free.
Truth to be told, i'm a broken man inside. Growing up, I've learnt that life don't just simply serve you happiness on a platter. I'm not saying that I've led a tough life which i'm sure there are many people out there whose life was or is, much more grueling. But hey, I've my ups and downs in my life. I was borned poor, to the extend that we had electricity cut off. We even had to resort to borrowing water from our neighbors.
I remembered vaguely being a tiny toddler, no more than 3 years old, my mum was standing by the windows, gazing out blankly, i strolled over to her side, tugging her clothes. She looked down upon me, and i said i was hungry. I remember those eyes of hers, there was these sadness in her eyes that screamed out to me. She bought me to the mattress, laying me down, telling me "Go to sleep, you'll not feel hungry once you're asleep."
Few years later, things got a little better, Dad has a job, Mum has one too. I remember back when the GameBoy Colour first came out, my Dad took me and my sis out to have breakfast, just like every Sunday. After which, he bought us to this Game Shop. I still remembered how happy me and my sis was. That wide smile on our faces bought a smile on his face too. He didn't earn much, he still bought each of us a GameBoy.
Thinking back, that smile on dad's face, he was contented with us being happy. The feeling of bringing your loved ones happiness is something that cannot be described.
Mum & Dad,
You guys may never read this,
I'm sorry for being the brat i am, always fooling around, letting you guys down. You might not have given me the best, but i know, you guys have done your best. I want you guys to see me at my wedding, where i will marry the love of my life, to see me at my point of success, where i will give you the life you never had. And after all these, the only thing i want to see, is both of you smiling. Life didn't give much, but i'm glad it gave me great parents.